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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sam Komlenic Ever heard of the Buffalo Chipkickers? (8) RE: Ever heard of the Buffalo Chipkickers? 08 Jan 25

I met Bob Doyle in 1975, just as the band was re-configuring from a three=piece unit to a four-piece. They were an exceptional act and were so much fun to watch. They played frequently at the Westerly Parkway Hi-Way Pizza's bluegrass night (every Wednesday) in State College. They wrote many of their own songs and knew how to create an amazing amount of energy. They'd each tie a necktie to their mic stands, so that when they stood behind them it looked like they were wearing the ties.

Bassist Hugh Johnson would occasionally lie down on his back while continuing to bang it out on the bass. Bob was a multi-instrumentalist and played guitar and fiddle, among others. Fiddler and mandolin player Matthew Guntharp was an integral part of the lineup, and along with Bob did a lot of research on indigenous music in central PA and have their work enshrined in the Library of Congress as the Doyle-Guntharp Collection.

The very talented and attractive Lee Lenker was their banjoist, and I just read that she died in 2008. I had such a crush on her!

They had a picnic every summer at a farm near Centre Hall, PA, which was another treat, as they and others performed there. I had a ton of fun following that band around and must have seen them 20 or more times. They were a big influence on my musical preferences moving forward and I miss them terribly.

Rest in Peace, Bob and Lee, knowing that there are those of us to whom you cannot be replaced.

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