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GUEST,Monty Zoomer Lonnie Donegan's guitarists (65* d) RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists 13 Jan 25

This thread seems to have been around for virtually 20 years !
Another memory has just popped into my ageing brain cell.
1956 (?) Going to see Lonnie Donegan at the Liverpool Empire. It may have been '58, but after all these years I can no longer be certain.
The abiding memory is of Micky Ashman lying flat on his back, playing his double bass whilst spinning it around with his feet. You can't do that with a Fender Jazz or Precision?
It is rumoured that Paul McCartney attended that performance, and his career took off from that point ?
I also recall that Lonnie performed with Chris Barber, in his later years, at various celebratory gigs, and the guitarist on a couple of occasions was none other than the late great John Slaughter.
Just Good Fun!!

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