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GUEST,Jim Knowledge Whooping at Concerts (31) RE: Whooping at Concerts 22 Jan 25

I `ad that Johnny J. in my cab the other day. `e looked at me in a right old tone of voice.
`e said, " `ere, Jim. Didn`t I see you at that enjoyable gig last night?"
I said, "Well blow me down. Yeah, I was there. One of my rare nights off from playing with the band".
`e said, "What about that woman who kept on whooping then? Didn`t she get under your skin?"
I said, " Do you mean `er with the "day glow" green knitted dress and cowboy boots?"
`e said, " Yeah. That`s `er."
I said, "oh, `ave a `eart John. She`s one of the regulars. She` just getting over a bout of "Whooping Cough!"

Whaddam I like???

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