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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Robby BS: Things that go bump in the night. (36) Things that go bump in the night. 10 Apr 01

Homes can be full of strange noises. This is my story. Do you have one.
Last Saturday, around 7 AM I heard a loud, low-tone rumbling, with the beat of a jack-hammer. After realizing it wasn't the alarm, we began searching through the house trying to find the source. About this time last year we replaced the interior works of a toilet, because the plumber told us weak valves were the source of the same or similar noise.
After determining that the source of the noise was not a toilet, or the hot water heater, or the furnace, I checked the crawl space over the bedrooms. The noise could be heard (now a very sharp metallic sound), but the source was not seen. I did determine that the roof fan was not the source of this noise.
I now knew about where it was coming from, but not the reason. I would check that after breakfast, and went out to get the morning paper. As I walked down the driveway, I heard the sound again, behind me. Turning around and looking up, there on the roof was a woodpecker merrily hammering away at the metal vent for the furnace. I was laughing by the time I got back in the house. Had I only looked at the roof last year, I might have saved the cost of the plumbing repairs.

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