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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bert Hansell Tech: Multiple Postings:HELP! (7) RE: Multiple Postings:HELP! 28 Apr 97

Try a single click on the submit message button and wait.
It will need quite a long wait at times depending (I think) on the speed of your machine and the network.

Maybe the good guys at DT could put a note to that effect on or by the submit message button.
(just as a temporary measure until someone comes up with some usable network software.)

I am so used to giving a double click with the software that I use that I find it very hard to give one click only.
It's a pity that these software providers can't get their acts together.
It would be quite simple to program a 'ONE SHOT' button
Unfortunately programmers are too busy adding useless bells and whistles to spend a little thought to getting their programs to work in the first place. The users shouldn't have to be forced to jump through hoops to get software to work.

I guess the current state software quality is a pet peeve of mine.

Enough of this bitching. :-)

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