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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Craig Lyr Req: 'Chariots of Fire' - a Christian song (27) Lyr Add: MAKE ME A CHARIOT OF FIRE 03 Nov 98

Gary, The title of the song is MAKE ME A CHARIOT OF FIRE. I can't tell you who wrote the words, but here they are:

I rise up to worship, I stand to acclaim,
The King of all glory, Christ Jesus his name.

I ask you King Jesus, fulfill this desire,
Ignite me and make me a chariot of fire.

Come ride on my life, Lord Jesus Christ
My King and my Master, come ride on my life,
To this one goal I wholly aspire.

Come rule in my heart, Lord Jesus Christ
My King and my master, come ride on my life,
And I will be a chariot of fire.


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