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Wavestar BS: Thoughts on a Name (29) RE: BS: Thoughts on a Name 04 May 01

Jande - I guess I am ignoring the second half - at the moment mostly because I don't feel like I have much to add on that topic. But I was surprised and intrigued by the idea that we were misinterpreting the commandment, and when I looked at it, indeed, thought he was right :) Myself, I think there is a difference between art which glorifies and makes beautiful religious images, and idols or graven images which one prays to. Myself, I don't think praying to picture, or statue, or anything else is the same as praying to God - but it might help remind people about him or her, if they need it.

Hes: I can't remember these things, so I look them up :)

However: stupidity alert. :P I just realised I was wrong. Entirely wrong. In both cases (Exodus 20 and Dueteronomy 5) the second in graven images, and the fourth is remembering the sabbath day.

I'm completely off base. I suddenly have no idea what the Mohamedan was saying. None at all. The question of different approaches to taking the Lord's name in vain still applies, but not to my quote. Boy do I feel dumb. I don't know what he means by misenterpreting at all. Sorry everyone. Go on and discuss stuff without me, I'll go and beat myself in a corner for not being able to read, or count. Some scholar I am.


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