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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Animaterra UN- Favourite Insruments. What are Yours? (44) RE: UN- Favourite Insruments. What are Yours? 18 Nov 98

Oh, Bert- you cut me to the quick! A *good* choir is a joy to the ears for me! True, there are a lot of groups that get all soupy-schmaltzy or make no attempt to blend or work on good vocal quality, breathing, phrasing, etc, but there is a place for them. But most folk music is not the place, I agree- give me a few good voices (not operatic!) and some fine instruments (any of the above-mentioned, played well, will do- with the possible exception of the Hammond organ!). Whiny singers (both in content and vocal tone), poorly played instruments, and bad attitude- those are my least favorite instruments!

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