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GUEST,Mac Tattie Help: Folk Club CD - Is there a market? (13) RE: Help: Folk Club CD...... Market ? 11 May 01

Shure, just do it. But hey what was the last CD you bought? and why? Never has there been such a vast amount of recorded material available and never has there been such a vast ammount of material left unsold. If the intention is to bring out yet another selection from the "Forty F'ing Fabulous Folk Favouvrites" then why bother. However !!!!!! I am sure that some where along the line your club will have had dealings with a frendly, helpfull "sound man" and in these days of home computers with CD burners short runs of ten or twenty CDs are a realistic and achievable possibility. Good quality recordable media CDs complete with boxes are about 50p, 10 for a fiver. It would almost be a crime not to start you're project to-day.


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