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Craig Need Russian songs from Paul Hill Chorale (3) RE: Need Russian songs from Paul Hill Chorale 21 Nov 98

(copied from the HELP forum, reposted here - Barbara)
From: craigca@webtv.comm
Date: 11-Nov-98 - 08:08 PM

Dear Max, I am acomputer illiterate dumb blond chorusboy who lost his job as a performer struggling now toproducehis ownshow and craete jobsfor30 ofus.I was referred to you thru my minimal webtv skill as beig able to steer me to someonewho would know songllyrics in Russian.I am trying to find a verse and chorus to the following for amassive Russian production number I am struggling to put together and need someone who gavrits(speaks) Russian for words to Kaltika, Polyushka,Metelitza,Sarafan,Ochichornia and Mockba Vyechora.A recording was made by a Washington DC chorale called the Paul Hill Chorale who seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth as I have tried to E mail and 32cent stamp them.I was one of 80 lucky cast members unceremoniouslky dumped from Ice Capades after 6 yrs without the courteousy of being fired to my face.So now I earn a staggering 2000yr cutting out and sewing up 700 costumes by mysekf sabndwiched in betweeen designing the setws and composing or arranging the show's music and choreograhy...youretypical dumb blond slacker.Any ideas as to how I can contact anyone speaking English and Russian (as my Russian is nie menoge and plokah, which means small and bad).Asking for the Czar's anthem in LA gives you expert idiots who think Romanov isa box ofchocolates! well duh...any suggestion would be appreciated.Craig

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