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GUEST,JB Songs to Star of the County Down? (71* d) RE: Songs to Star of the County Down? 17 May 01

I recorded a CD in 1994 featuring "There´s sure to be a row" which has the same air as "Star of Co. Down". I somehow felt the story wasn´t quite complete so I wrote a final verse as a warning to all young men never to marry a nagging wife.

Come all you young unmarried men A warning take by me If you value your life, don´t take a wife That will mean an early grave For she´ll nag you night noon and morning The truth I must avow You can bet your life and I know I´m right There´s sure to be a row

If you wish you can listen in at the MP3 page on my website at:

unfortunately my English page is not yet complete.

Another great song to the same air is "Captain Colston" abot piracy on the high seas.

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