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GUEST,Gern Origins: Whoa Mule (43) Lyr Add: WHOA MULE (from Lee Sexton) 18 May 01

Hey Kytrad--I don't have that CD, but I sure know Lee Sexton's music and that of the various other Sextons. His version of "Whoa Mule" is something like this:

Jaybird died of whooping cough, sparrow died of colic
'Long come a frog with a fiddle on his back, c'mon girl to the frolic.
Whoa Mule whoa; whoa mule, stay,
I ain't got time to kiss you now, my mule's running away.

I used to have a big old mule, rode him into town
Before I had him cross the creek, the buzzards had him down

Peter was a big old boy, Peter wasn't stout
Then Peter took the measles, and Peter petered out.

Other verses might be alternated from any of the versions listed above. I've seen a video of Lee playing this at a square dance, overalls and all, somewhere in the KET-TV files.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 7-Jun-02.

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