Hi Folks, I've missed you all alot & am glad to be back. Want to warn all those on mudcat about the different warnings which may indicate a heart attack. Woke up one am with a warm feeling in my chest. Knew it wasn't heartburn-can't be a heart attack-no pain anywhere. Then I got cold & sweaty. I didn't want to call an ambulance because the classic symptoms were not there. Felt like a real ass dialing 911-cause I KNEW this wasn't a heart attack! I was even singing in the emergency room, the nurse loved Kern & Hart and wanted a refresher on some of their songs. Bottom line - it was a heart problem- 90% blockage. Had angioplasty, baloon & shunt put in. I'm on the road to recovery. Please remember if you"re feeling something strange & new don't hesitate.Better safe then sorry.