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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Wavestar POL: JEFFORDS II (26) RE: POL: JEFFORDS II 03 Jun 01

See, MAV, I've come to the conclusion that it's pointless for me (and, I suspect, many others here) to talk to you, not because you're uncivilised or anything, but because you and I simply and manifestly believe different things, and I cannot help but read some of your posts and wonder if you're on a different planet. And since I do not believe for a moment that I could convince you to change what appear to be the set tenets of your beliefs, nor could you convince me to change mine, it's like shouting at each other from two non-intersecting lines, possibly on different planes. You have strong opinions you stand up for, and I respect that, but I'll never agree with you - so I'd be wasting my time even talking about it. And so would you, although you seem to enjoy that :) (talking about it anyway, not wasting your time.) So I'll wish you a very good day and bow out of the conversation. Just so you didn't think I wasn't bothering to respond to your post - well, in a way I'm not, but this is why.

Cheers, J

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