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skw@ Lyr Req/Add: The Lily of the West (Knopfler/Chieft (20) RE: Looking for the lyrics to a song on the...... 10 Dec 98

On the subject of how The Lily of the West got to The Lakes of Pontchartrain:

[1995:] I first heard this song back in the 1960s, when traditional ballad singing was undergoing something of a renaissance. Originally an English street ballad or "broadside", I believe it became very popular in America in the 19th century. The original air can be found in 'Sing Out - The Folk Song Magazine', Vol. 7 and Colm O'Louchlann's 'Irish Street Ballads'. This air is very similar to another ballad, The Lakes of Pontchartrain, as recorded by Paul Brady, and it was this version that Mark [Knopfler] preferred to use. (Paddy Moloney, notes The Chieftains, 'The Long Black Veil')


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