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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Tedham Porterhouse Lyr Req: Isn't That So? (Jesse Winchester) (14) RE: Lyr Req: Jesse Winchester's 'Isn't That So?' 26 Jun 01

Pinetop Slim,

Mike Regenstrief from the CKUT folk show in Montreal was the host of the workshop and did a short interview with each of the songwriters about the inspiration and process of one of their best known songs.

For Jesse Winchester, it was "The Brand New Tennessee Waltz." For Tom Russell, it was "Gallo Del Cielo." For Anne Hills, it was "Follow That Road" and for Steve Gillette, it was "Darcy Farrow." Each talked about the song with Mike and then sang it.

After that, they went around the circle, each taking turns singing songs they'd written with Mike occasionally interjecting a question.

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