Oh, Mick, thank you. I, too, have a story, but mine has no happy ending. A dear friend of mine has been corresponding for 15 years with a prisoner on death row, and acting as his chaplain. Tonight he is going to be executed, and she has received permission to be there as a witness. She may not speak to him or touch him, and will be with the other witnesses (all hostile to him) behind a thick glass windos. She tells me she can do nothing but sing, and she has chosen to sing "Amazing Grace", cheifly to underscore the irony of the situation. She is aware that she may be forbidden to sing, and is asking friends to join her at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard time to join her in this song. You are an important community to me, and I'd like to think that some of you would join me in song tonight to sing Andy home.
Why do I sing? I've never had a choice- why do I breathe?