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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
skw@ Lyr Req: Braw Lads o' Gala Water (12) Lyr Add: BONNIE LASS O' GALA WATER 21 Dec 98

Philippa, I've finally managed to read your post through. Here are the words of the 'Bonnie Lass o' Gala Water' as sung by The McCalmans. Sorry for the delay. - Susanne

Bonnie lass o' Gala Water, braw braw lass o' Gala Water
I would range the mountains sae deep wi' you bonnie lass o' Gala Water

Sae fair her hair, sae brent her brow, sae bonnie blue her een and cheerie
Oh I would go the length o' the Isle tae get back home wi' my dearie

O'er yonder moor, o'er yonder mountain, o'er yon bonnie hills taegither
O I would range themountains o' time my own bonnie lass tae forgather

Lords and lairds came here tae woo, and gentlemen wi' sword and dagger
But the black eyed lass o' Galashiels would hae nane but the gree o' Gala Water

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