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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Animaterra Merry Christmas, Everyone! (51* d) RE: Merry Christmas, Everyone! 26 Dec 98

I had a beautiful day with my family, and like many of you also wondered about those spending the day alone, or as good as alone. With Joe and Peter I wish for more songs in the lives of others, and make that my mission all year long, offering group "singalongs" and such in my community. Joe, I too felt an incredible connection during "Amazing Grace" the night of the execution- what a powerful experience! Merry Christmas to you all, whether warm or cold, alone or (like me) suffering from a surfeit of jolly relations! Most of us in the US have forgotten that there are still 10 more official days of Christmas, so let's keep singing and celebrating! Peace- Allison

BTW if you see Sandy Paton, congratulate him on the birth of another beautiful grandchild!

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