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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Animaterra Singing thru the tears- how? (87* d) How can I keep from crying? 26 Dec 98

It happened on the 18th when we sang "Amazing Grace" for Andy... it happened Christmas Eve during a candlelit "Silent Night".. it happened a few years ago during a solo at church... it happened when I tried to sing "Parting Glass" just before moving away... those wretched tears clog me up, make me squeak and moan and drip and drizzle... -it occurs to me that the 'Cat may be a place where I finally learn how to overcome a major stumbling block in my singing career: how can I keep from crying, when emotions get, well, emotional, or, failing that, how can I sing through the tears without sounding like a cross between a howling dog and a dying cow? Or, most likely, I get completely blocked up and have to stop entirely. How do you cope?

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