I want to thank everybody who took the time to give detailed information on how to disable this virus. I got it a few days ago, went to the first site Jeri listed and clicked where I was told to click, but then I couldn't find any file listed under the names described. Then I lost contact with Mudcat (the Windows error message, and I never understood what I was supposed to do about that, other than wait) until tonight. I went back to the first part of this thread and re-read it, came upon a posting that listed alternate titles for the worm, started trying them and caught the sucker, deleting it with relish. It felt like I was in the Matrix, vaccuuming that thing out of Keanu Reaves navel... One interesting note--I have Outlook Express on my computer (a Gateway), but I switched to Netscape when I moved to Oregon. However, my OE address book is still in place and that seems to be what the worm latched onto. However, it latched onto the address for Cheshire Net in Keene, NH (where I used to live)and luckily some techical guy recognized it as a probable virus. Other than that, I haven't been notified of any problems, although they might be out there since I didn't fully get rid of the worm until about 10 minutes ago. I also went to the Symantec site to check out the Norton ware--will it cause problems to download Norton's stuff if I already have McAfee? Do I have to take the McAfee program off first or do I just stop using it? blt