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GUEST,Mac Tattie New Trad CD - Cara Dillon (12) RE: New Trad CD - Cara Dillon 29 Jul 01

Tweedie, my fear is we are being trained, or is that hoodwinked, into accepting albums that are only 10-20% sound. Far too often so so performers are given polite applause and faint praise when they realy should be tared and feathered, run out of town and surgicaly prevented from ever performing again. Too often the next big thing, isn't. Over the years I have been depressed, sadened and embarased by many "players" and "singers" who lay clame to the words TRADITIONAL or FOLK but have little, if any, understanding or fondness for the music. We live in times when singers can hear songs for the first time one day, be recording them the following week and releasing their "highly reveiwed" CDs within the month. Depresed? you bet I am, but every now and again allong comes something that hits the spot, brings a smile, makes it all better.

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