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LR Mole BS: WORST actor or actress ever!!! (115* d) RE: BS: WORST actor or actress ever!!! 09 Aug 01

Now, help me out here. Mick Jagger was awesomely vomitous in "Performance" ("Memo From Turner", in which he greased his hair back and appeared to inflate his lips even further). BUT (and here I defer to the Catters from Oz) was he as bad as that in "Ned Kelley"?
The problem with these things is that too frequently I find myself shrugging and thinking, well, that actor/actress/song, etc., wasn't THAT bad. There are elements in all these categories , though, that I've taken a completely irrational (and probably unfair) dislike to. Angelina Jolie.The whole Rolling Stones catalogue. Mahler. Derek Jacobi. Drew Barrymore. Sinead O'Connor. It could have gone another way, but it didn't.

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