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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
SteveF Right Wing Folksongs (87* d) RE: Right Wing Folksongs 07 Jan 99

No right wing folk songs!? I think the problem clearly is that we each have a different idea of what is 'left' and what is 'right.' Too many anti-right folk associate conservatism only with excessives of wealth, militarism, bigotry or other repugnant ideals.

If that is your idea of right-wing thought, just tell us so, and we will find you the songs. No flaming.

Or if you will accept that conservatism is the support of more modest virtues such as family values, patriotism, high moral standards, etc. -- again, just let us know -- and we will overwhelm you with our list of song titles.

-- SteveF

P.S. - An appeal to all posters who enter this thread: Let's stick to music; no speech-making!

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