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Tedham Porterhouse Folk Alliance vs. NAACP (155* d) RE: Folk Alliance vs. NAACP 13 Aug 01

I have vivid memories of being 21 years old in 1963 and being one of many thousands gathered on the mall singing along to the likes of Peter, Paul & Mary and other folksingers before Dr. King made his legendary and inspiring "I have a dream" speech.

I remember folksingers being at the forefront of the civil rights movement, of leading marches and boycotts. Now, they prepare to have a convention at a hotel under boycott by the NAACP. FOR SHAME.

Phyllis Barney makes the excuse that the boycott was not in force when the Folk Alliance moved the 2002 conference to the Adams Mark Hotel. However, the incidents that led to the boycott occurred in 1999 and were the subject of an earlier boycott by the NAACP long BEFORE the Folk Alliance booked this facility. That should have presented the Folk Alliance with a bright red flag.

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