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Tedham Porterhouse Folk Alliance vs. NAACP (155* d) RE: Folk Alliance vs. NAACP 15 Aug 01

Ron Olesko wrote:

"I think we should also remember that the FA isn't the only group using this hotel. I would guess they have 2 or 3 such gatherings PER WEEK by groups with less social commitment then the FA. Has anyone heard what these groups are doing? Not that it should influence our decision, but there might be some good solutions that we are missing."


It appears that the Republican Party went ahead with their fundraising event at the Adams Mark Hotel in Denver with Dubya in attendance.

On the other hand, the United Negro College Fund cancelled its event at the Adams Mark Hotel in Memphis. Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee who were scheduled to appear at the event in Memphis have gone on record in supprt of the boycott.

BTW, Mr. Davis and Ms. Dee are the parents of folk/blues artist Guy Davis, a showcase artist at the 2001 Folk Alliance Conference in Vancouver.

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