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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
blt BS: The Revenge of Sir Cam (7) The Revenge of Sir Cam 08 Sep 01

Well, I have just shoveled out $112 to remove the Sircam virus from my computer, so I would like to warn others out there that the fix offered on the Symantec website may not actually fix the problem. My computer began to show an increasing number of error messages, to the point where it would shut itself down. It was doing other wierd things, such as not letting me disconnect from the internet. I brought my computer to the tech guys thinking I needed to have Windows reinstalled, and was disappointed (but not surprised) when they called to tell me that Sircam was chewing up my hard drive. So, I wish I had a crafty little tune to describe the ravages of that dastard, Sir Cam--and maybe I will write one, given enough time--but all I have to show for my trouble is an even larger credit card debt and a zillion email messages.


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