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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
blt BS: The Revenge of Sir Cam (7) RE: BS: The Revenge of Sir Cam 08 Sep 01

I haven't notified Symantec; my anti-virus software is McAfee and it wasn't updated. I updated it after I heard about the virus on a thread here (I got the virus when someone from this site emailed me with an attachment that I rather stupidly opened--the Pandora's Box Syndrome), but it apparently wasn't able to recognize that I still had the worm. I plan to get Norton's anti-virus program as soon as I can afford it, as I heard several people say that it recognized the virus right away. My comupter is a Gateway, about 3 years old, and when I brought it in to be fixed, the tech guy told me Gateway doesn't install McAfee software anymore, that they've switched to Norton.

Also, I used a fix that was listed in one of the threads on this site, as well as information from the Symantec site--I probably just didn't fully understand what to do.


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