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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bert Hansell Threadiquette and a few requests (22) RE: Threadiquette and a few requests 22 May 97

I completely agree with Dick that " at least some of todays pop is tomorrow's folk"
In fact I would go further and state that folk singers have a 'duty' to sing the songs that 'they like', so that future generations will have folk songs from this generation.

One opinion that I have seen expressed several time is that "people should look in the database before posting a thread.
I don't really agree with that.
I tend to look in the database only for songs that I remember.
Many a thread has reminded me of a song that I had forgotten had existed; even though it was in the database.

I follow ALL threads, even if I am not particularlly interested to start with, some of them branch off unexpectedly and turn up a real gem.

I try to keep in mind, that many a 'sharp' remark is not really intended, but is more a result of the lack of ability to show expression electronically.
You can't see that someone has a grin on their face so just assume that they have.


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