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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
LR Mole BS: Can someone please cheer me up? (36) RE: BS: Can someone please cheer me up? 20 Sep 01

Yeah...we have seemed to accelerate through the emotional range. But, on the other hand, it frees us up for each other. Technology seems scary and impenetrable, and can be abused. But on the other hand, it can create music, or save a child's life. Or connect us to, well, us.Pirsig says that the Place of Full Stop (where we can't do anything we wanted to, or expected to, or thought we had to) that we're at our most creative. Thus godlike. Thus human. (I'm being Pollyannaish here, but maturity will pass.) Hang in there. Or go hit the cat.That would cheer me up.

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