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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jeanene Les Chansons de la France (111* d) ADD: J'fais pipi sur le gazon 22 Sep 01

How about this French schoolboys' song:

J'fais pipi sur le gazon

J'fais pipi sur le gazon
Pour ambiter les coccinelles;
J'fais pipi sur le gazon,
Pour ambiter les papillons.

Pipi, gazon, papillons, coccinelles,
Pipi, gazon, coccinelles, papillons, 'pillons.

My singable translation:
I go pee pee on the lawn
To annoy the ladybird bugs,
I go pee pee on the lawn
To annoy the butterflies.

Pee pee on the lawn,
The ladybugs, they get pissed off;
Pee pee, on the lawn,
Likewise, the butterflies, 'terflies.

I don't know how old the song is or where it originated. Does someone else know?

From Monique:
    Hi Joe

    Thanks! Here is the midi Guest Jeanene's post. It's the same tune to "Y'a une pie dans le poirier/pommier"/"Y'a un rat" that I posted at the end of the thread.
    More to come...later!


    Click to play

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