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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
LR Mole Mudcat is a bit of a mess right now (128* d) RE: Mudcat is a bit of a mess right now 02 Oct 01

Flipping through the channels this Sunday I came upon a talk by David McCullough on his new biography of John Adams. He said that because Adams and his wife Abigail wrote letters (1,000 we have) on good rag paper, the historian can actually hold their words, and he observed that the act of writing clarifies what we think.The Cat frequently functions like that for me.Getting an entry ready for the readers here forces me to (frequently) get it a little cleaner and straighter, and thus to discover what I think. But also there's time to just be foolish.The mudcat is really quite a thing and seems to have reached critical mass and is now creating itself.Hmm.

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