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Mikey joe To the Young UK members! =0D (89* d) RE: To the Young UK members! =0D 10 Oct 01

Sorry weepiper although a squad does come up from Edinburgh, the vast majority are from Dundee and Aberdeen. So no I don't konw them. Where do they play in Edinburgh?

jock yes of course you are young enough. - ya auld bastard ;). Most of the crowd are in their twenties. But it certainly isn't exclusive. There are all ages represented. It tends to be a young crowd because some of us went to college in Ireland together and by chance ended up living in Scotland.

BE WARNED though. It is a big crowd last time (20+) which while good craic does make for a noisy session. When we get around to sorting out a date and venue I'll post it here so anyone interested can come along if they wish.

Slán Mj

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