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GUEST,Stavanger Bill BS: Margaret Thatcher-any comments? (168* d) RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher-any comments? 24 Oct 01

Hello there "Scotlandmyhomeland" - are you any relation to "Scotlandforever"??? Or do you just change the ID to repeat the same rubbish???

Are you honestly trying to tell me that: 1. Only the rich benefitted from the reduction in the basic rate of tax. 2. Government deregulation did not create a single job. 3. That foreign investment did not create a single job. 4. That there were 3 million people unemployed from the spring of 1979 until 1997, then all of a sudden they're all put back in work by Tony.

If you honestly believe that that is the case then by all means continue to delude yourself - you will not convince anyone else.

As to how many people said that they would leave the country if Tony Blair got into power - I haven't got a clue. But to hazard a guess - not many as New Labour have not deviated from the line to any great extent.

By the way "Scotlandmyhomeland"/"Scotlandforever"/"Scotlandthebrave" - everybody has to look for a job when they leave school. You complain about "her government's 'Job Creation Scheme" that you say you have been on for 20 years - paid you £10 over what you would have got otherwise and by now you must be the comprehensively trained man in the British Isles. Still it does produce an ID for your next change - how about "Scotlandthetrained".

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