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Mikey joe BS: No more Celtic pleeeease?? (53* d) No more Celtic pleeeease?? 25 Oct 01


I merely want to say this. What do people mean by the term Celtic Music?... I think that by this most people mean Scottish/Irish songs and tunes. Songs and Music from bith traditions are similar and have been interchanged a lot. But the Welsh are Celts and so are Bretons and Galacians and the Cornish. Music from these regions are quite different from what most people call Celtic music, but are equally celtic. All I am saying is that the Celts were a race of people thousands of years ago covering a lot of Europe (not just Ireland & Scotland) I doubt they would know Drowsy Maggie, The Atholl Highlanders or The Fields of Athenry if they came up and bit them on the arse. And what would they make of The Trip to Pakistan!!

So please stop using the term Celtic Music, Celtic bands etc. They are Irish Scottish, Welsh etc.

End transmission


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