In Northern Ireland since the original concept of what has become known as the "Good Friday Agreement" and the peace process, tremedous steps and leaps of faith have been made by both sides - Things, although not considered ideal by all the parties involved at all times, have moved forward, albeit slowly, and a certain element of trust has developed and been built on.
This willingness to trust and demonstrate good faith is totally lacking when the Palestinian/Israeli situation is studied.
In the lead up to the "Seven Days War" in 1967, the state of Israel was threatened with extinction by a pan-Arabic coalition led by Egypt. Now at that time, that threat would have been considered as hollow rhetoric if made to any nation, other than the Jewish state of Israel. Fairly recent history had taught the Jews that such threats are not to be taken lightly. The pan-Arab world, lead by Egypt was by and large within the USSR's sphere of influence, while Israel due to the conditions that prevailed throughout the Cold War years was within America's.
During the "Seven day War" Israel occupied Arab land belonging to Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. Further gains were made during the 1973 "Yom Kippur War" (apologies for the spelling). The Israelis then started to settle territory it had captured. Jordan magnanimously gifted the Israeli held West Bank to the Palestinians and various land for peace deals were brokered between Israel and it's Arab neighbours (Only exception being Syria over the Golan Heights). The settlement building programmes continued - these were illegal and always have been.
If Israel wants peace that land must be returned. In exchange the right of Israel to exist as a sovereign state must be recognised by all. It is obvious that, at the moment, the Palestinians and Israelis cannot share land peacefully, so there must be created an equally recognised sovereign state of Palestine whose boundaries are guaranteed in such terms as to deter and prevent Israeli incursions. Jerusalem should be declared an international city of unique importance, open to all, and as such should not be controlled by either party.
In citing acts of terrorism, perpetrated by various Arab/Palestinian groups, as justification for weilding a hammer to crack a walnut every time, the Israeli's seem to have conveniently forgotten that well within living memory they were the one's planting the bombs - Not so many references by Israeli spokesmen about the activities of IRGUN or Shin Beth (again apologies spelling). They cannot have it both ways - they once saw the use of terror as a justifiable means to an end. They can hardly complain when in turn it is used against them.
Spokesmen for Sharon draw comparisons between the actions being taken in Afghanistan by the US led anti-terrorism coalition as justification for their own strikes against the Palestinians. Such a comparison is groundless - it should be pointed out to the Israelis that the US does not occupy any Afghan/Arab land as a result of conquest. Without the support of United States of America the state of Isael would be hard pushed to exist - that is a reality which should also be pointed out to Ariel Sharon - it might just focus his mind on what he should be trying to achieve to ensure lasting security for his people.