I'll be durned...that's one I thought for sure would be in the database (they DO have "Paper of Pins" which is a first cousin) Ok, here you go...from memory..
KEYS OF CANTERBURY / KEYS TO CANTERBURY Oh, Madam, I will give to you the Keys of Canterbury, And all the bells of London, to ring & make you merry, If you will be my darling, my joy & my dear.. If you will go a'walkin' with me everywhere. reply: "oh, sir I'll not accepet for you the Keys of Canterbury..etc ...and I'll not go a'walkin' with you everywhere. "Oh Madam, I will give to you, a pair of boots of cork.. The one made in London, the other made in York..etc... "Oh madame, I will give to you a little Ivory comb to fasten up your golden locks, when I am not at home. "Oh madame, I will give to you the keys to my heart And all my sacred promises that we will never part... Final reply: Sir, I will accept from you, the keys to your heart To lock it up forever that we never more shall part. And I will be your bride, your joy & your dear.. And will take a walk with you anywhere. ( you sing the 'anywheres' and 'take a walk'/'go a walkin' to suit yourself... I have never figured out which is 'right'....also 'darlin' & 'bride' There may be other verses, but these are the standard ones.