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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Eric_Storm Can we lighten up a little? (148* d) RE: Can we lighten up a little? 04 Mar 99

As one of those poor people with less exposure to folk music, I'm always glad to see people asking for songs that are already in the DT.

I never would have known about a lot of wonderful songs if someone hadn't started a thread. Almost all of the songs I've pulled from the DT have been as a result of someone saying "I love this old song, anyone know the title?"

I say, let them post. After a day or two the thread will drop down the list and out of sight if people don't keep telling the world how sick they are of people asking for songs that are already in the database. I would hope that they wouldn't tell their kids "I'm tired of you bugging me, there are books in the library on how to build a tire swing. Go figure it out yourself").


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