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Bill D Folk Songs NOT to Ditch (32) RE: Folk Songs NOT to Ditch 04 Jun 97

"Rose of Allendale"..."The Vacant Chair" "The Outside Track"(I've forgotten the author, LaMarca)..."When the Yellow's on the Broom" "Sheath & Knife" (din't dget tired of it, but usually need some recovery time)..."Rolling Home".(when done right...slowly and powerfully, not as a bouncy 'show tune')..."Ned of the Hill"....

wow...that's just off the top of my head in 2 minutes..It's like when you need to think of a song to sing..something needs to jog the memory... I inagine I could add 100 to that list if I just went thru some books & records...and the more songs on the list, the less chance I will get tired of any of them!!(Maybe, in the last analysis, that is the secret).

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