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Robby Origins: Help: Santiano - Any Lore? (18) RE: Help: Santiano - Any Lore? 10 Jan 02

The lyrics, as posted by Devilmaster, fit very nicely into the medley I recall from a short film dealing with American history/exploration. It was shown in movie theaters back in the early to mid 60s, and concluded with the beginning of space exploration.

I can't remember the name of the film. However, it had a song for each period of exploration depicted, e.g. sailing ships with Santiano in the background. I believe the name of the group who recorded the songs for the film was The Ridge Runners. But since we're going back 30 some years don't hold me to it. I never found any recordings by that group. Two of the other songs I recall from that film are Railroad Bill, for (what else?), and This Is The Next Frontier for space eploration.

Does anyone else remember this short film or a group called The Ridge Runners?

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