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Aine Lyr Add: Aililiu Na Gamhna (6) RE: Aililiu Na Gamhna 15 Mar 99

Dear Laurel,

If you've gotten the lyrics of this song from the liner notes of a CD, I would suggest listening carefully as the song is being sung to get the 'sound' of the words.

Otherwise, I would suggest that you try and find an Irish language class in your area and take some courses. Why not experience the whole language instead of only a little piece of it? If there isn't a class in your area, there are a few good websites with attendant sound files that could probably help you. Also, there a few quite good affordable book and tape sets that you can order to help introduce you to the Irish language.

Believe me, if you don't know any thing other than just the 'sounds' of a song, you'll never really understand what you are singing. Good luck, Aine

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