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Bud Savoie Baptist Sunday School words offensive? (105* d) RE: Baptist Sunday Sunday words offensive??? 23 Jan 02

I learned it as a kid from a Methodist friend, and he sang it: "Come to the Sunday school and have a lot of fun." No color or denomination required.

Some more verses:

Salome was a dancer who did the hootchie-kootch
She wasn't very modest and she didn't wear too mooch [much]
The king said, "Salome, there will be no scandal here,"
But Salome said, "The hell with you" and kicked the chandelier.

Jonah was a sinful man, went out for a swim.
He was minding his own business when a whale swallowed him.
Jonah knew the Coast Guard was way beyond his reach,
So he tickled the whale's belly and it spit him on the beach.

Daniel was a naughty boy, wouldn't obey the king.
King said he wouldn't stand for any such a thing,
So they put him in a lions' den with lions down beneath,
But Daniel was a dentist and he pulled out all their teeth.

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