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GUEST, Pills to Purge Melancholy IN PRINT! (40) Pills to Purge Melancholy IN PRINT! 19 Feb 02

I found out from John Roberts that D'Urfey's "Wit and Mirth, Pills to Purge Melancholy" is back in print from Higginson Books in Salem, MA. This is a monumental work of ballads and songs...orignally published by Playford, no less, and like the dances, it went through multiple editions. It has been out of print for years, is very dear as a rare book and quite large. For those not familiar, much of the work is *most* bawdy.........some of the songs have been posted here....

For more about D'Urfey and some sample songs:

The three volume (actually, it's 6 volumes bound as 3) set is $225 + $8.50 shipping in the US. Since each set of volumes is printed to order, it takes 8-10 weeks from order to delivery, I am to understand that you can have it printed either on white or off-white paper stock. HB's phone number is 978-745-7170, their hours 10AM to 7PM EST. URL is: They more usually reprint maps and genealogical books, thus this is out of their usual line; if whomever you contact at HB doesn't know about W&M, ask them to speak to Larry Young, an HB employee and musician/singer who made the reprint happen. So far W&M does not appear on their website

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