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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bud Savoie St. Patrick's Week Jokes (88* d) RE: St. Patrick's Week Jokes 16 Mar 02

OK, someone asked for an Orange joke? Here goes:

The Rev. Ian Paisley is taking a stroll about Belfast when he sees a kid by the side of the road with a basket of newborn kittens and a sign reading: "Protestant kittens free to good homes." Paisley is very pleased and gives the kid a coin, a pat on the head, and warm praise.

A week later, Paisley is taking a walk again and sees the same boy sitting by the curb (kerb?) with the basket of kittens. But now the sign reads: "Catholic kittens free to good homes." Paisley is furious and shouts at the kid: "You little traitor! Why are you calling these kittens Catholics now?" The boy looks up and says, "Well, sir, they're two weeks old now and their eyes are open."

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