I'm exhausted here...and need to "regroup" and take care of myself for a bit before continuing...but before I go to bed, I just want to say thank-you all.....incredible community!!
and Andres, it's GREAT to see you back with us...
Weather was cold,rain/snow here today... the bulldozer didn't show up.
I got a few "baby" lilacs and am gonna try again this week-end to get the "mother".
There's another amazing thing we have here.."Personal Messages". I learned when I started the Music Therapy thread what an incredible asset PM's are for us in the design of this website. Members who were following that thread, but uncomfortable posting their personal stories to it, shared information with me through PMs.
The same thing is happening now and I want to thank you for them. For those of you struggling to find your own "peaceful" closures, wait'll you hear how important a potato peeler can be! bg