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Cheryl in the Blue Ridge Lyr/Chord ADD: High Flying Bird (Billy Ed Wheeler) (26) RE: High Flying Bird 07 Apr 99

Roger, thanks for the help... I'm new at this. Are you asking where you can find the Henske LP or was that rhetorical?

Here is what I remember of the lyrics:
    There's a high flying bird
    Way up in the sky
    And I wonder if he looks down
    As he flies on by
    Flyin in the air so easy la la la (and free??)

    Lord look at me here
    I'm rooted like a tree here
    I got them sit down, can't cry
    Oh Lord I want to die blues.

    I once knew a man (?)
    You know he worked in a mine
    Lord he never saw the sunlight
    But Lord he never stopped tryin
    As east to the west he (it?) got gone every day (?)

    Lord look at me here (etc)
That's all I can do and not sure of a lot of it, as you can see.
Cheryl PS Naughty Sweetie goes in part: Oh There are blues That you get from la la la (sleepless nights is in there somewhere, but maybe not here) And there are blues That you get from pain Blues when you are lonely For your one and only And Blues you can never explain.


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