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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bert Hansell Folklore: Pregnancy and Psalms (11) RE: Query: Pregnancy and Psalms 16 Jun 97

Peter, Of course they didn't go into details on TV, especially in those prudish days just before the free love of the sixties. I know that it is far fetched, they just hauled the body into the jail put it in a bed, the girl climbed in and they faded the scene as they were being covered with the blankets.

They Implied that she got pregnant by sleeping with the body and finished with the question "Do the audience think that it was Jack Sheppard's child?" and the comment that Jack would have probably got a sentence of about nine months in modern times.

A lot stranger things have happened in folklore.
It was a good story even if it didn't quite jibe with the historical record.
I don't remember which channel it was on.


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