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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Murph10566 How do YOU handle requests? (43) RE: How do YOU handle requests? 16 Apr 02

Since most of my gigs are at Pubs / Restaurants, I made up a song list for requests quite a while ago... I had a few of them laminated, and I pass them around at the start of the evening; I've found it helps spark the interest from the crowd if they come across an old number that they may not have heard for a while...

The List gets up-dated every couple of years or so (Old Tunes may fall out of favor for whatever reason), and the 'New Classics' are added...

Inevitably, a request will stump me with some song I haven't performed for awhile - maybe the lyrics are spotty in my mind, or the guitar work needs to be polished - I'll apologize of course, and ask if they'd like to hear some other selection... usually works...

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