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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bud Savoie Lyr Req: Whisky in Jar, Jug of Punch (23) RE: Whisky in jar 19 Apr 02

A group called "The Irish Ramblers" in the 60s did a different version of "Whisky [sic] in the Jar." The first verse and chorus went:

As I was a-goin' o'er the Cork and Kerry Mountain
I met with Captain Farrel and his money he was countin'
First I drew my pistol then I rattled forth my rapier
Sayin' "Stand and deliver, for I am your bold deceiver."

Oh, whack fol de diddle-o, whack fol de diddle-o
There's whisky in the jar [twice, biting down hard on the "r"]

The Ramblers were three brothers from Ireland named Clancy, but they were too late to call themselves the Clancy Brothers or even the Irish Rovers.

Anyone remember them?

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