Interesting that I felt I had to check this thread out... Jane Fonda is not one of my favorite people - As a Veteran of Vietnam, I'm afraid that I'll always view her in relation to the infamous photo that Big Mick mentioned... knowing that she was seated at an anti-aircraft battery, wearing the NVA helmet, while U.S. Pilots were being shot down: the image is damning, and unforgettable... Whether or not I forgive her is moot for me - she's ceased to have any relevance to me (if indeed she ever did).
I read with particular interest the eloquent and candid entries of Mick and Steve... It's more important than ever that we share these thoughts, I think - Very few adults living in America today were not touched in some way by the Vietnam War... that much is abundantly clear in the various responses.
The personal Legacy changed forever my perception of everything and everyone I've experienced in the years post-RVN... what once seemed so important doesn't carry nearly as much weight these days... Family,Friends, Inner Peace, Music... these have been my Salvation...
I'm glad that I read these postings (I even went back to the original thread 'way back '00)... There are some who feel that Vietnam was the definitive Event for those of the Baby-boomers Generation... I don't know ... but it certainly left an indelible impression on most of us...
p.s. - Don't really care about a song for Hanoi Jane...